Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Monday, February 24, 2025.
3 days ago, Gallup McKinley County Schools
Parent Teacher Conferences Feb. 24.
The Board of Education of Gallup McKinley County Schools will hold a regular meeting on February 18, 2025, beginning at 1:00 PM in the board room of the Student Support Center, 640 S. Boardman, Gallup, NM 87301. Guests are invited to attend the meeting in person or watch a live stream.
7 days ago, Gallup McKinley County Schools
Gallup McKinley County School Logo w  a feather and a book
During this week, Gallup McKinley County School District is honored to have phenomenal school counselors and Student Success Advisors committed to helping students identify their strengths, talents, and interests. These professionals also collaborate with families and community stakeholders to navigate the challenges of raising children in today’s world. Additionally, counselors and SSAs are crucial in enhancing students' academic, career, and social/emotional growth, while working alongside educators and administrators to create an environment where students can reach their full potential.
19 days ago, Gallup McKinley County Schools
School Counselors Week Feb 3-7
Early Release is scheduled for Monday, January 27, 2025.
28 days ago, Gallup McKinley County Schools
clock flowers early release for gmcs on january 27
Check out our new website and download the app to get information at your fingertips!
28 days ago, Gallup McKinley County Schools
cell phone app on website everything GMCS in your pocket
Gallup McKinley County School Board will hold its Board Meeting on Monday, January 27, 2025, at the Student Support Center, 640 Boardman Dr. Gallup, N.M. 87301 at 1:00 PM.
29 days ago, Gallup McKinley County Schools
GMCS logo feather and book
All Gallup McKinley County Schools are on a Weather Delay Tuesday, January 21, 2025 due to freezing temperatures. Schools will be delayed 2 hours. Buses will also be delayed. Please contact 505-721-2233 or visit
about 1 month ago, Kathy Polich
2 hr. weather delay flier
All schools and offices will be closed on January 20, 2025, in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
about 1 month ago, Gallup McKinley County Schools
Shout out to all of our Winter Sports Officials! January 12-18th is Winter Sports Official Appreciation Week!
about 1 month ago, Gallup McKinley County Schools
wrestlers and official on mat
Welcome back students and staff! We hope you enjoyed your break! We are back in session on Monday, January 6, 2025.
about 2 months ago, Gallup McKinley County Schools
Welcome back to school
GMCS Invites you to join us for a Turkey Meal Slow Roasted Turkey Breast Mashed Potatoes & Gravy Sweet Potatoes Savory Herb Stuffing Sweet Corn Niblett’s Whole Berry Cranberry Sauce Warm Honey Wheat Rolls Cinnamon Sugar Pears Homemade Pumpkin Bars November 6 Tohatchi Elem Tohatchi Mid Tohatchi High Twin Lakes Elem November 8 Crownpoint Elem Crownpoint Mid Crownpoint High Catherine A Miller November 12 Del Norte Elem Gallup Mid Ramah Elem Ramah High November 13 Indian Hills Elem Jefferson Elem November 14 Chief Manuelito Gallup High Turpen Elem November 15 Navajo Elem Navajo Mid Navajo High Thoreau Elem Thoreau Mid Thoreau High November 18 GMCS Academy David Skeet Tse’Yi’ Gai High November 19 Kennedy Mid Chee Dodge Elem Stagecoach Elem November 20 Miyamura HS Lincoln Elem November 21 Red Rock Elem Gallup Central High November 22 Bright futures November 20 November 21 November 22 Miyamura HS Lincoln Elem Red Rock Elem Gallup Central High Bright futures November 13 November 14 November 18 November 19 Indian Hills Elem Jefferson Elem Chief Manuelito Gallup High Turpen Elem GMCS Academy David Skeet Tse’Yi’ Gai High Kennedy Mid Chee Dodge Elem Stagecoach Elem Questions, please contact Food Service at (505) 721-1126 HAPPY HOLIDAYS! This institution is an equal opportunity provider. Thanksgiving Menu Slow Roasted Turkey Breast Mashed Potatoes & Gravy Savory Herb Stuffing Sweet Corn Niblett’s Whole Berry Cranberry Sauce Warm Honey Wheat Rolls Homemade Pumpkin Bars Cinnamon Pears
4 months ago, Gallup McKinley County Schools
turkey meal on plate with mashed potatoes, yams, stuffing and cranberries
All Gallup McKinley County Schools and Offices will be closed on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. Election Day!
4 months ago, Gallup McKinley County Schools
red white and blue stars
All Gallup McKinley County Schools and Offices will be closed November 25-29. Happy Thanksgiving!
4 months ago, Gallup McKinley County Schools
Fall Leaves  & School logo
🌟 Success at GMCS Experiential Site Visit! 🌟 We are thrilled with the success of our recent Experiential Site Visit! It was inspiring to witness firsthand the transformation and growth taking place in our schools. From connecting with partners to seeing confident student presentations and integrated learning in action, every moment showcased the dedication of our teachers, students, and leaders. A huge thank you to our student ambassadors, NMPED administrators, teachers, staff, business partners, internship employers, and GMCS leaders for making it all possible! Are you familiar with the meme Expectation vs. Reality? Well, here at GMCS, Expectation is now the new Reality! 🎉 Special thanks to our partners, like ConnectED, for celebrating our journey from “turnaround to transformation.” Together, we’re creating a powerful vision for Gallup’s future! #GMCSExperientialSiteVisit #PathwaysToSuccess #ExpectationIsReality #TurnaroundToTransformation #Teamwork #GMCSESV #PraiseworthyPatriots #SpectacularStallions #ExcellentEagles. #ramahhigh.
4 months ago, Gallup McKinley County Schools
Student Ambassador talking to partners
Early Release for all Gallup McKinley County Schools is on October 21, 2024
4 months ago, Gallup McKinley County Schools
school kids jumping